Search for tag: "skill-for.action"

Lectio magistralis at the second annual meeting of the ETN Skill For Action

Synergies and trade-offs between forest adaptation and mitigation Prof. Roberto Tognetti (Full professor on Forest Ecology and Management at the University of Molise - Italy) What could the…

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From  Stefano Grigolato 6 plays 0  

ETN Skill-For.Action: Diffusing research results to consulting companies/innovation in forest business

📌Diffusing research results to consulting companies/innovation in forest business 🗣 Inigo Lizzaralde and Felipe Bravo 🏢 föra forest technologies - Spain

From  Stefano Grigolato 10 plays 0  

ETN Skill-For.Action: Carbon Cycle in Forestry

📌Carbon cycle in forest 🗣 Jorge Olivar 🏢 AGRESTA S.Coop – Madrid, Spain

From  Stefano Grigolato 12 plays 0  

ETN Skill-For.Action: Training in intercultural communication and languages (Part 1)

📌Training in intercultural communication and languages 🗣 Thomas Eigner 🏢 Bavarian Research Alliance (BayFOR) - Germany

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From  Stefano Grigolato 12 plays 0  

ETN Skill-For.Action: Training in intercultural communication and languages (Part 2)

📌Training in intercultural communication and languages 🗣 Thomas Eigner 🏢 Bavarian Research Alliance (BayFOR) - Germany

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From  Stefano Grigolato 9 plays 0