Search for tag: "forestry"
Lectio magistralis at the second annual meeting of the ETN Skill For ActionSynergies and trade-offs between forest adaptation and mitigation Prof. Roberto Tognetti (Full professor on Forest Ecology and Management at the University of Molise - Italy) What could the…
From Stefano Grigolato
6 plays
ETN Skill-For.Action: Diffusing research results to consulting companies/innovation in forest business📌Diffusing research results to consulting companies/innovation in forest business 🗣 Inigo Lizzaralde and Felipe Bravo 🏢 föra forest technologies - Spain
From Stefano Grigolato
10 plays
ETN Skill-For.Action: Carbon Cycle in Forestry📌Carbon cycle in forest 🗣 Jorge Olivar 🏢 AGRESTA S.Coop – Madrid, Spain
From Stefano Grigolato
12 plays
ETN Skill-For.Action: The impact of climate change on forests: a physiological approach (Part 2)📌Climate change and the effect the radial growing on trees 🗣 Jorge Olivar 🏢 AGRESTA S. Coop – Madrid, Spain
From Stefano Grigolato
16 plays
ETN Skill-For.Action: The impact of climate change on forests: a physiological approach (Part 1)📌Climate change and the effect on forests and photosynthesis model 🗣 Marta Pardos 🏢 INIA – Madrid, Spain
From Stefano Grigolato
12 plays
ETN Skill-For.Action: Forest dynamics from understanding to utilization (Part 1)📌Forest dynamics 🗣 Hans Pretzsch and Enno Uhl 🏢 Technische Universitaet Muenchen, TUM, Freising, Germany
From Paolo Carlucci
27 plays
ETN Skill-For.Action: Forest dynamics from understanding to utilization (Part 2)📌Dynamics of strictly protected forests using Białowieża Strict Reserve (NE Poland) 🗣 Kamil Bilelak and Bogdan Brzeziecki 🏢 Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW, Institute of Forest…
From Stefano Grigolato
17 plays