Search for tag: "h2020"
ETN Skill-For.Action: Diffusing research results to consulting companies/innovation in forest business📌Diffusing research results to consulting companies/innovation in forest business 🗣 Inigo Lizzaralde and Felipe Bravo 🏢 föra forest technologies - Spain
From Stefano Grigolato
8 plays
ETN Skill-For.Action: Carbon Cycle in Forestry📌Carbon cycle in forest 🗣 Jorge Olivar 🏢 AGRESTA S.Coop – Madrid, Spain
From Stefano Grigolato
11 plays
ETN Skill-For.Action: Training in intercultural communication and languages (Part 1)📌Training in intercultural communication and languages 🗣 Thomas Eigner 🏢 Bavarian Research Alliance (BayFOR) - Germany
From Stefano Grigolato
11 plays
ETN Skill-For.Action: Training in intercultural communication and languages (Part 2)📌Training in intercultural communication and languages 🗣 Thomas Eigner 🏢 Bavarian Research Alliance (BayFOR) - Germany
From Stefano Grigolato
8 plays
ETN Skill-For.Action: Your knowledge network(s) and European Research Area(s) (P)📌Your knowledge network(s) and European Research Area(s) - How to navigate? 🗣 Andreas Nikolaus Kleinschmit von Lengefeld | 🏢 homo-silvestris-europae
From Stefano Grigolato
1 plays
ETN Skill-For.Action: Forest dynamics from understanding to utilization (Part 2)📌Dynamics of strictly protected forests using Białowieża Strict Reserve (NE Poland) 🗣 Kamil Bilelak and Bogdan Brzeziecki 🏢 Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW, Institute of Forest…
From Stefano Grigolato
15 plays
Webinar The Well Gardened MindThe VARCITIES project also includes dissemination and awareness raising activities on the topics of interest. In this context, webinars and cultural events, free and open to the public, are…
From Paola Bolzon
92 plays
Bone regeneration: state of art, FAST project results and perspectivesThe interview to Lorenzo Moroni has been registered the 26/6/2019 in Padova, during a partners meeting of the FAST project. Lorenzo Moroni is Professor in Biofabrication for Regenerative Medicine at…
From ufficio dlm
174 plays