From Silvia Gasparini
The end of the Republic: no room for changes in legal system and institutions in front of a new world in Europe and the new type of war moved by Bonaparte. The Major… -
From Silvia Gasparini
| 4 4 playsThe search for order in legislation: production of official texts and innovation in legal institutes. For the use of the Chancery: Libro d'Oro Vecchio. Libro… -
From Silvia Gasparini
| 2 2 playsVenetian neutrality with regard to land wars in Italy and Europe. A series of naval wars against the Ottoman empire. Development of diplomacy guided by the… -
From Silvia Gasparini
| 3 3 playsThe war of the League of Cambrai. Temporary loss of the whole mainland Dominions. Dominions recovered by ten years of clever diplomacy. Advantages of a permanent… -
From Silvia Gasparini
| 2 2 playsExpansion of the territories of the Republic west and north-east. Patterns of organisation of the new Dominions. Rectors and their commissioni, interlocking with the… -
From Silvia Gasparini
| 5 5 playsThe last war against Genoa and the final Venetian victory. Venice in a position of primacy in trade in the Eastern Mediterranean, negotiating successfuly trade pacts… -
From Silvia Gasparini
| 7 7 playsAttempts to subvert the participated government and institute a signoria, coming from within the newly established aristocracy. Marino Bocconio. Baiamonte Tiepolo, Marco… -
From Silvia Gasparini
| 2 2 playsA fourth Council: Rogati, Pregàdi or Senate. No relation with the ancient Roman Senate: the name is merely culturally prestigious in the late Middle Ages.… -
From Silvia Gasparini
| 2 2 playsOpinions of civilian scholars on the Venetian State and legal system. The glossator Odofredo Denari. The commentator Bartolo da Sassoferrato. An improbable justification… -
From Silvia Gasparini
| 4 4 playsDevelopment of statutory legislation. First restatement with slight modification in Statutum Novum, under doge Jacopo Tiepolo. Elaboration, discussion, deliberation,… -
From Silvia Gasparini
| 3 3 playsAlong the XIII century: a registry of derobationes of Venetian citizens by foreign robbers; earliest mention of the Council of Forty, an instance of potestas… -
From Silvia Gasparini
| 2 2 playsAnalysis of Ratio de lege Romana and Judicia a probis judicibus promulgata (part of Cod. Marc. Lat. cl. V CXXX in St. Mark's National Library). Roman principles… -
From Silvia Gasparini
| 2 2 playsThe Courts of justice. Origins and multiplication. Curiae ordinatae, other mainly judicial magistrates, and jurisdiction as part of the attributions of every magistrate.… -
From Silvia Gasparini
| 2 2 playsTwo faces of a coin: aggregation vs. potestas distributiva. No separation of powers but division of labor. Early magistrates. The multiform word "capitular":… -
From Silvia Gasparini
| 4 4 playsFinal steps toward the Comune: introduction of the Minor and Major Councils and legification of the constitutional customs developed in the first two decades. Procedure…