Search for tag: "women"

Women in (Geo)Sciences - Dr. Valeria Cascone

This is the contribution of Dr. Valeria Cascone to the International Day of Women and Girls in (Geo)Science. Don't let the gender bias limit you!

+4 More
From  Alberto De Lorenzi 26 plays 0  

Women in (Geo)Sciences - Dr. Elena Bellizia

This is the contribution of Dr. Elena Bellizia to the International Day of Women and Girls in (Geo)Science. Don't let the gender bias limit you!

+4 More
From  Alberto De Lorenzi 27 plays 0  

Women in (Geo)Sciences - Dr. Martha Pamato

This is the contribution of Dr. Martha Pamato to the International Day of Women and Girls in (Geo)Science. Don't let the gender bias limit you!

+4 More
From  Alberto De Lorenzi 28 plays 0  

Women in (Geo)Sciences - Prof. Laura Maritan

This is the contribution of Prof. Lara Maritan to the International Day of Women and Girls in (Geo)Science. Don't let the gender bias limit you!

+4 More
From  Alberto De Lorenzi 40 plays 0  

Donne e Stem: le geoscienze in Italia negli ultimi 20 anni

La sottorappresentazione delle donne soprattutto nel campo delle cosiddette scienze dure (Stem) è un tema noto e ampiamente dibattuto. Uno studio pubblicato su "Advances in…

+4 More
From  Alberto De Lorenzi 12 plays 0