Search for tag: "teaching"

Innovative teaching at dSEA

Active learning is a process that puts students at the centre by using different teaching methods. It focuses more on how students learn, rather than what they learn. Active learning refers to a wide…

From  Faustine Marion Dal Degan 28 plays 0  

Le ossa: la classificazione

In questo video scoprirete come le ossa si possono suddividere in... eh no, non ve lo dico altrimenti non guardate più il video!

From  ERICA MARDEGAN 96 plays 0  

Inclusion in distance teaching and distant learning - Inclusione nella didattica a distanza e nella formazione a distanza, created by Lubiato Sara, Sartorato Chiara and Zatta Veronica

Università degli Studi di Padova A.A. 2020/2021 Corso "Tecnologie della Formazione in Presenza e a Distanza" Prof.ssa Valentina Grion Inclusion in distance teaching and distant…

From  SARA LUBIATO 51 plays 0  

Titration of EDTA and Water Sample with Eriochrome Black T

Titration of EDTA and Water Sample with Eriochrome Black T. Eriochrome Black T Indicator Color Changes.

From  Chiara Giorio 78 plays 0  

iodometric titration - copper determination

Determination of concentration of Cu2+ ions in 10cc of sample.

From  Chiara Giorio 87 plays 0  

iodometric titration - thiosulfate standardisation

Copyright 2019 Tampines Meridian Junior College, Chemistry Department

From  Chiara Giorio 71 plays 0  

Cap Piotr - On the implementation of pragmatic awareness in teaching English as a foreign language (University of Lódź)

The talk shows how a genuinely successful explanation of certain lexico-grammatical phenomena occurring in the English language requires going beyond the traditional approaches rooted in the…

From  Sebastiano Pilutti 25 plays 0