Search for tag: "internationalrelations"

Info Session 'Virtual Exchange come strumento di internazionalizzazione della didattica', 4 maggio 2022

Info Session 'Virtual Exchange come strumento di internazionalizzazione della didattica', 4 maggio 2022

From  Alessandra Gallerano 47 plays 0  

ICPU 2022 Info Session

ICPU 2022 - Info Session 7 March 2022

From  Laura Brandolin 124 plays 0  

General overview - call Erasmus+ 2022

Erasmus+ 21-27 Webinar Series: General overview

From  Alessandra Gallerano 29 plays 0  

Virtual Exchange Institutional Strategy: opportunità per docenti UniPD

Relatori:Prof.ssa Francesca Helm - Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche, Giuridiche e Studi Internazionali Alessandra Gallerano e Laura Brandolin - Projects and Mobility Office Prof. Carlo Alberto…

From  Cecilia Dal Bon 22 plays 0  

Bando Shaping a World Class University (2a edizione): incontro informativo

Sessione informativa dedicata alla seconda edizione del Bando Shaping a World Class University, le cui candidature potranno essere inviate fino al 21 settembre 2021, ore 13:00. Tramite questo bando,…

From  Elisa Cipelli 25 plays 0  

Joint International Staff Training Week "Celebrating University Anniversaries" - DAY 2 MORNING - FINAL CUT

Joint International Staff Training Week "Celebrating University Anniversaries" - DAY 2, Open Session

From  Laura Brandolin 19 plays 0  

Joint International Staff Training Week "Celebrating University Anniversaries" - DAY 1 - FINAL CUT

Joint International Staff Training Week "Celebrating University Anniversaries" - DAY 1, Open Session

From  Laura Brandolin 12 plays 0  

Joint International Staff Training Week "Celebrating University Anniversaries" - DAY 4 MORNING - FINAL CUT

Joint International Staff Training Week "Celebrating University Anniversaries" - DAY 4, Open Session

From  Laura Brandolin 12 plays 0  

Joint International Staff Training Week "Celebrating University Anniversaries" - DAY 4 AFTERNOON - FINAL

Joint International Staff Training Week "Celebrating University Anniversaries" - DAY 4, Closed Session

From  Laura Brandolin 8 plays 0  

Joint International Staff Training Week "Celebrating University Anniversaries" - DAY 2 AFTERNOON - FINAL FULL

Joint International Staff Training Week "Celebrating University Anniversaries" - DAY 2, Closed Session

From  Laura Brandolin 14 plays 0  

Presentazione Generale Erasmus+ 2021-2027 (12/04/2021)

Erasmus+ 2021-27: Presentazione generale nuovo programma (12/04/2021)

From  Alessandra Gallerano 68 plays 0  

NICE Virtual Exchange info session, 25/02/2021

Launch of the "NICE Virtual Exchange" call for application 2021

From  Laura Brandolin 140 plays 0