Search for tag: "#archeologiamedievale"

Dalla Corte di Petriolo al Colle di Monselice

Come percepiva un contadino del XII secolo il Colle e il Castello di Monselice? Marina Seselja ce lo racconta in questo bellissimo podcast, parte della sua tesi triennale in Progettazione del Turismo…

From  Alejandra Chavarria Arnau 123 plays 0  

I Longobardi a Lonigo e Monticello di Fara

Nelle località vicentine di Lonigo e Monticello di Fara sono stati rinvenuti straordinari vestigi archeologici del passato longobardo del Veneto. Oggi possiamo scoprirli grazie ad Angela …

From  Alejandra Chavarria Arnau 35 plays 0  

Ceneda Medievale

Romani, ostrogoti, longobardi, franchi... sono tutti passati da Ceneda quartiere di Vittorio Veneto (Treviso) e ce ne raccontano la storia e i rinvenimenti archeologici Anna Prenestini, Federico…

From  Alejandra Chavarria Arnau 27 plays 0  

La Torre delle Bebbe

La torre delle Bebbe, al confine tra Padova e Venezia, fu protagonista di numerosi scontri nel corso del medioevo: nel IX secolo d.C., quando venne assalita da Franchi ed Ungheri, nel XI secolo da…

From  Alejandra Chavarria Arnau 33 plays 0  

Brega di Rosà e le evidenze archeologiche "negative"

Carmen di Fulvio e Leonardo Facipieri ci parlano del sito archeologico di Brega di Rosà in provincia di Vicenza un insediamento che ci permette di comprendere come abitavano le persone in…

From  Alejandra Chavarria Arnau 27 plays 0  

Historic Landscape Archaeology: Approaches, Methods and Beneficiaries - Trailer

Trailer del MOOC Historic Landscape Archaeology: Approaches, Methods and Beneficiaries in apertura il 10 aprile sulle piattaforma Future Learn -->…

From  ufficio dlm 38 plays 0  

What are landscapes?

Video of the course Historic Landscape Archaeology: Approaches, Methods and Beneficiaries

From  ufficio dlm 4 plays 0  

11 The age of Justinian: Renewing the Christian Empire

Video from the MOOC Change of Era: The Origins of Christian Culture through the Lens of Archaeology Free upgrade for Unipd community, please login and enrol with your @unipd (or @studenti.unipd)…

From  ufficio dlm 3 plays 0  

07 An early Christian church in Aquileia

Video from the MOOC Change of Era: The Origins of Christian Culture through the Lens of Archaeology Free upgrade for Unipd community, please login and enrol with your @unipd (or @studenti.unipd)…

From  ufficio dlm 5 plays 0  

06 What the dead can tell us

Video from the MOOC Change of Era: The Origins of Christian Culture through the Lens of Archaeology Free upgrade for Unipd community, please login and enrol with your @unipd (or @studenti.unipd)…

From  ufficio dlm 2 plays 0  

05 Peter and Paul: The martyrs of Rome

Video from the MOOC Change of Era: The Origins of Christian Culture through the Lens of Archaeology Free upgrade for Unipd community, please login and enrol with your @unipd (or @studenti.unipd)…

From  ufficio dlm 10 plays 0  

03 Borrowing from the old, building the new

Video from the MOOC Change of Era: The Origins of Christian Culture through the Lens of Archaeology Free upgrade for Unipd community, please login and enrol with your @unipd (or @studenti.unipd)…

From  ufficio dlm 5 plays 0  

02 Making a new religion: The first representations of Christ and the crucifixion

Video from the MOOC Change of Era: The Origins of Christian Culture through the Lens of Archaeology Free upgrade for Unipd community, please login and enrol with your @unipd (or @studenti.unipd)…

From  ufficio dlm 3 plays 0  

10 An Arian church in Padova?

Video from the MOOC Change of Era: The Origins of Christian Culture through the Lens of Archaeology Free upgrade for Unipd community, please login and enrol with your @unipd (or @studenti.unipd)…

From  ufficio dlm 9 plays 0  

09 The cross

Video from the MOOC Change of Era: The Origins of Christian Culture through the Lens of Archaeology Free upgrade for Unipd community, please login and enrol with your @unipd (or @studenti.unipd)…

From  ufficio dlm 7 plays 0  

08 A sign in the sky

Video from the MOOC Change of Era: The Origins of Christian Culture through the Lens of Archaeology Free upgrade for Unipd community, please login and enrol with your @unipd (or @studenti.unipd)…

From  ufficio dlm 2 plays 0