Search for tag: "training"

MSCA MaRaThoN@Unipd - 22/23/24 May 2023

After six successful editions, the University of Padua is offering a new MSCA MaRaThoN between 22 and 24 May 2023. MSCA MaRaThoN is a training course targeting top candidates who wish to apply for…

From  Viviana Gialain 26 plays 0  

Experiential Training (Created by: Nicola Battistutta, Nicola Bianchi, Enrico Nichele)

In cosa consiste la formazione esperienziale? Quali le sue applicazioni? Questo breve video cercherà di chiarire le idee intorno al significato di formazione esperienziale e le implicazioni…

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From  NICOLA BATTISTUTTA 36 plays 0  

Sharon Flynn - The teacher training programme of National University of Ireland

Sharon Flynn- Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching (CELT), NUI - National University of Ireland, Galway

From  Cinzia Ferranti 6 plays 0