Search for tag: "school"
Non solo Erasmus: programma Ulisse, programma Arqus winter and spring schools, NICELa mobilità Erasmus+Studio è un primo passo verso il mondo. Scopri insieme ai protagonisti e alle protagoniste che le hanno vissute, le diverse possibilità di…
From Sara Pellegrini
176 plays
Numerical Methods in Probability - lecture 6Random walk approximation of Brownian motion. Tree methods. Computationally simple trees: the case of a constant diffusion and the general case. How to parallelize the algorithm.
From Tiziano Vargiolu
21 plays
Numerical Methods in Probability - lecture 5A general weak convergence result for diffusion processes. Monte Carlo simulation of a diffusion process: the Euler scheme. Discretization error and Monte Carlo error. How to parallelize the…
From Tiziano Vargiolu
17 plays
Numerical Methods in Probability - lecture 4Brownian motion. Nondifferentiability of paths. The stochastic integral and the Ito isometry. Ito processes and Ito formula. Stochastic differential equations.
From Tiziano Vargiolu
33 plays
Numerical Methods in Probability - lecture 3Markov chains: definition and examples. Simulation of a Markov chain. Simulation of Markov chains in the ergodic case.
From Tiziano Vargiolu
19 plays
Numerical Methods in Probability - lecture 2Variance reduction methods in Monte Carlo: antithetic variables, control variates, importance sampling. Examples and implementation
From Tiziano Vargiolu
18 plays
Numerical Methods in Probability - lecture 1Introduction to the course. Monte Carlo methods. Simulation of random variables. Error estimation with Monte Carlo methods.
From Tiziano Vargiolu
33 plays
University of Padova's students heading to Nepal for the Winter School "Microfinance in Action" 2018The Winter School “Microfinance in Action”, promoted by the the Human Rights Centre of the University of Padova, will last from 22th of September to 7th of October 2018. Eight selected…
From Centro Diritti Umani
41 plays
Times and Spaces of GlobalizationWinter School organizzata dal Dipartimento di Scienze politiche, giuridiche e studi internazionali dell'Università di Padova. Il tema di quest'anno è "Necessary…
From ufficio dlm
7 plays
Padova Human Rights Summer School "Normativity and Reality of Human Rights" July 8-14, 2018The first edition of the Summer School critically investigates the interplay between norms and facts about human rights, with a special focus on: Health, Environment, and Migrations. Deadline for…
From Centro Diritti Umani
17 plays
AGRIPOLIS - a video-guide to the CampusAgripolis campus is a multidisciplinary organization involved in teaching and research, with expertise in the following areas: I) agriculture and forestry, II) food and III) animal science
From ufficio dlm
441 plays