Search for tag: "justice"
Festival Sostenibilità 2020 - Pace e istituzioni solideDopo la proiezione del film Perfect Day (Spagna, 2014, selezionato al Premio Lux del Parlamento europeo 2015, in concorso nella sezione Quinzaine des Réalisateurs a Cannes 2015), il 6 ottobre…
From Bernardo Cortese
10 plays
Students' voices - keywords #1PEACE, JUSTICE, EQUALITY are words that are sometimes taken for granted. But what do they mean for students all over the world? The video was realized on the occasion of the workshop on…
From Centro Diritti Umani
1 plays
Interview with Mohammed al-Shalaldeh, Minister of Justice, Palestine, July 2019Mohammed al-Shalaldeh is Minister of Justice in the Palestinian Authority Government, Ramallah, Palestine. The interview was realized on the occasion of the Study Trip “Learning by…
From Centro Diritti Umani
5 plays