Search for tag: "girsanov kernel"

Lecture 62: martingale representation theorem

The martingale representation theorem in the case of a multidimensional Brownian motion: representation of L^2 martingales and local martingales.

From  Tiziano Vargiolu 33 plays 0  

Lecture 58: the Girsanov theorem

The Girsanov theorem in the multidimensional case. Novikov's condition.

From  Tiziano Vargiolu 35 plays 0  

Lectures 27-28: the Girsanov theorem and the martingale representation theorem

Levy's characterization of Brownian motion. Drift transformation in the Brownian motion and the Girsanov theorem. The martingale representation theorem. Representation of densities of…

From  Tiziano Vargiolu 34 plays 0