4.3 Benjamin Schraen , p-adic automorphic forms (part 1), 10 June 2019, INdAM Program
From Bruno Chiarellotto
From Bruno Chiarellotto
INdAM Program on Serre Conjectures and the p-adic local Langlands program
Benjamin Schraen (Orsay) - p-adic automorphic forms (part 5)
There exist interesting congruences between coefficients of modular forms. An explanation to thisphenomenon is the existence ofp-adic families of modular forms. The goal for this cours is tointroduce the notion ofp-adic modular forms and their arithmetic applications, especially in theetale cohomology of locally symmetric spaces.
June 10th. Aula 1 AD 100, Department of Mathematics.
Website: https://events.math.unipd.it/indamlanglandsschool/