From Silvia Gasparini
| 2 2 playsThe environment and the city. Consolidation of soil. The problem of rainwater. The problem of fires. Construction techniques. Interconnection between walkways and… -
From Silvia Gasparini
| 4 4 playsThe search for order in the legal system: attempts at consolidation, realised consolidations, and one modern code. Consolidations for the use of the Chancery: Libro… -
From Silvia Gasparini
| 3 3 playsProvveditori sopra Feudi, instituted by the Pregàdi in 1586 to compile a census of feudal lords, their fiscal obligations, their jurisdiction and its title;… -
From Silvia Gasparini
| 2 2 playsFrom the Rectors to the capital: reserved jurisdiction, appeals and delegations; the delibation of Avogadori di Comun in criminal matters and Auditori Novi and Novissimi… -
From Silvia Gasparini
| 1 1 playsReaction of European powers to the Venetian expansion. The League of Cambrai: Venetian defeat at Agnadello in 1509; loss of the mainland Dominions; exemption from… -
From Silvia Gasparini
| 0 0 playsLate medieval enemies: the Genoese and the da Carrara signori of Padua. The war of Chioggia (1378-81) and the final defeat of the Genoese. Unrest on the Italian… -
From Silvia Gasparini
| 1 1 playsThe conspiracy of doge Marino Falier: timely discovery by the network of inquisition of the Council of Ten; trial in front of the Ten with a Zonta; death penalty… -
From Silvia Gasparini
| 2 2 playsOutcomes of the Serrata. Bertaldus between custom and legislation: the problem of consent to legal rules. Conspiracies in the XIV century: ambitions to turn Venice into… -
From Silvia Gasparini
| 1 1 playsCompetition with Genoa: from trade to war. Experimentation with the procedure for the elections: staged renewal of offices to keep continuity of affairs; additional… -
From Silvia Gasparini
| 0 0 playsThe Roman lawyers puzzled by the Venetian law system, a threat to the universality of their fractal concept of jurisdictiones. Odofredus glossator sees any rule which is… -
From Silvia Gasparini
| 1 1 playsStatutory legislation in Venice: comparison with statutory legislation of the autonomous cities within the Holy Roman Empire; difference from the ordinary legislation of… -
From Silvia Gasparini
| 0 0 playsThe government organisation branching out: the Quarantìa (Council of Forty) and the Pregàdi or Senate. Core attributions for Quarantìa very generic;… -
From Silvia Gasparini
| 2 2 playsCuria di Petizion: how to complete the legal system without recourse to Roman (imperial) law. New cases not included in the capitulars of the other Curie are solved by… -
From Silvia Gasparini
| 0 0 playsA compromise with ecclesiastical jurisdiction: the secular magistrate of Savi all'Eresia. No condemnation by the ecclesiastical Inquisition in Venice is valid… -
From Silvia Gasparini
| 2 2 playsComparison between the early promissiones ducis. Correttori alla promissione ducale. Order of the sources of rules of law constitutionally defined: written law; judicial…