From Francesco Pirotti
01:00 - QGIS installation 01:50 - add and hide panels in you QGIS interface 04:00 - moving toolbars in the interface 05:00 - drag panels to position them by drag/drop… -
From Francesco Pirotti
01:30 - adding the data to the project 02:00 - opening e new model-builder file 02:30 - input and algorithms tabs 03:15 - adding an input box of type "raster… -
From Francesco Pirotti
01:30 - opening the heatmap panel and defining the parameters (output raster pixel size and radius of calculation) 02:25 - radius of calculation -explanation 05:50 -… -
From Francesco Pirotti
00:30 - dataset availability at course moodle page or at https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7348378 01:00 - tarif excel table 02:55 - field calculator 04:20 -… -
From Francesco Pirotti
00:30 - dataset availability at course moodle page or at https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7348378 01:20 - lidar = before harvest activity - drone = after harvest activity… -
From Francesco Pirotti
Using spatial predicates (aka geometric predicates) such as "intersects, overlaps etc..." Data used is available on the course moodle page or at link… -
From Francesco Pirotti
Data used is available on the course moodle page or at link https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7348378 01:00 - text data (I suggest to download Notepad++ for better editing… -
From Francesco Pirotti
Printing a map layout to an image to embed in a document. 00:30 - adding maps and fixing scale and extents 01:30 - adding lat/long grids 04:30 - adding the legend only… -
From Francesco Pirotti
Providing discrete classes to the style the aridity raster + adding labels according to UNEP World atlas of desertification - Second Edition. vol. SECOND EDITION… -
From Francesco Pirotti
01:00 - Aridity index + Evapotraspiration formulas 02:50 - Downloading Bioclimatic variables 03:20 - Spatial resolution of pixels in minutes and seconds - which to… -
From Francesco Pirotti
Creating a project folder and downloading project data insided - saving the project to that folder to access data via the browser panel. Loading and styling of vector… -
From Francesco Pirotti
01:50 - Adding table 05:00 - creating a custom column to the table in the layout 09:00 - adding lines, 10:00 - changing size of lines 11:30 - printing to PDF and images -
From Francesco Pirotti
01:30 - adding a new page to your layout 02:40 - adding text box 03:40 - object alignment 05:30 - margin in text box 06:20 - HTML text 08:45 - adding an image (logo) -… -
From Francesco Pirotti
01:15 - adding grids 03:10 - draw coordinates and provide specific coordinate reference systems (CRS) 06:10 - small overview of CRS geographic systems 08:30 - the… -
From Francesco Pirotti
01:20 - layout manager 03:00 - virtual paper space 03:20 - paper sizes (A4, A3) - tips for embedding maps in printed versions of reports 06:10 - adding the first object…