04:52duration 4 minutes 52 seconds
Giovanni Bertoldo (XXXV cycle) - Candidate of…
Giovanni Bertoldo (XXXV cycle) - Candidate of the PhD Course in Animal and Food Science - Three-Minutes-Thesis competition 2022
From Angela Trocino
02:06duration 2 minutes 6 seconds
Maria Martinez Castillero - AFS (XXXIII Cycle)
02:25duration 2 minutes 25 seconds
Maria Costanza Galli - AFS (XXXV cycle)
03:26duration 3 minutes 26 seconds
Salvatore Raniolo (italiano) - AFS (XXXV cycle)
03:04duration 3 minutes 4 seconds
Salvatore Raniolo (english) - AFS (XXXV cycle)
02:32duration 2 minutes 32 seconds
Anton Pascual (italiano) - AFS (XXXIII cycle)
02:27duration 2 minutes 27 seconds
Anton Pascual (english) - AFS (XXXIII cycle)
02:46duration 2 minutes 46 seconds
Giovanni Bertoldo (english) - AFS (XXXV cycle)
02:29duration 2 minutes 29 seconds
Giulio Pillan - AFS (XXXV cycle)
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