Search for tag: "unipd"
Connessioni CulturaliArte e innovazione: il 2 ottobre 2024, a Roma, presso il "MAXXI - Museo nazionale delle arti del XXI secolo", è stato presentato il progetto “Connessioni…
From Marco Fabris
13 plays
UniPd - Open Day ENG 2024 - Introduction to the Master in Local DevelopmentThe Master’s degree provides a thorough understanding of the specific social, organisational, economic, territorial and institutional forms and dynamics that characterise local development…
From Chiara Rabbiosi
13 plays
UniPd - Open Day ITA 2024 - Presentazione del Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Local DevelopmentIl Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Local Development offre una dimensione multiculturale e multilinguistica grazie alle sue numerose esperienze internazionali e fornisce un livello avanzato di…
From Chiara Rabbiosi
3 plays
Cerimonia consegna diplomi di dottorato - Discipline umanistiche e PedagogiaCerimonia consegna diplomi di dottorato - Discipline umanistiche e Pedagogia22 febbraio 2023 – ore 15.30, Aula Magna di Palazzo Bo
From comunicazione unipd
96 plays
Cerimonia consegna diplomi di dottorato - IngegneriaCerimonia consegna diplomi di dottorato - Ingegneria 22 febbraio 2023 - ore 10.30, Aula Magna di Palazzo Bo
From comunicazione unipd
408 plays
MYF 2022 Banking and Finance: Alumni Round Table - 28 NovemberDepartment of Economics and Management – University of Padova Welcome and Introduction Paola Valbonesi, Director of the Department of Economics and Management Laura Radaelli, Alumni…
From Faustine Marion Dal Degan
20 plays
MYF 2022 Banking and Finance: HR Round Table - 28 NovemberDepartment of Economics and Management – University of Padova Welcome and Introduction Diego Campagnolo, Deputy Head of Stage and Placement Service, dSEA Thomas Bassetti, Deputy Head of…
From Faustine Marion Dal Degan
23 plays
MYF 2022 Management: HR Round Table - 21 NovemberDepartment of Economics and Management – University of Padova Welcome and Introduction Diego Campagnolo, Deputy Head of Stage and Placement Service, dSEA Eleonora Di Maria, Associate Director…
From Faustine Marion Dal Degan
25 plays
MYF 2022 Management Alumni Round Table - 21 NovemberDepartment of Economics and Management – University of Padova Welcome and Introduction Paola Valbonesi, Director of the Department of Economics and Management Laura Radaelli, Alumni…
From Faustine Marion Dal Degan
16 plays
MYF 2022 Consulting HR Round Table - 14 NovemberDepartment of Economics and Management – University of Padova Welcome and Introduction Campagnolo Diego - Deputy Head of Stage and Placement Service, dSEA HR Round Table Bisatto Giacomo…
From Faustine Marion Dal Degan
30 plays
MYF 2022 Consulting Alumni Round Table - 14 NovemberDepartment of Economics and Management – University of Padova Welcome and Introduction Valbonesi Paola - Director of the Department of Economics and Management Spiezia Nicolò–…
From Faustine Marion Dal Degan
46 plays
UniPd - Open Week 2022 - Local Development The Master’s degree provides a thorough understanding of the specific social, organisational, economic, territorial and institutional forms and dynamics…
From Anna Giraldo
40 plays
STARS @UNIPD 2021 Alessia RussoAlessia Russo from the Department of Economics and Management of the University of Padova was awarded a 2-year STARS Grant 2021 for her project: Generationally Sustainable Institutions (GENESIS). …
From Faustine Marion Dal Degan
39 plays
Innovative teaching at dSEAActive learning is a process that puts students at the centre by using different teaching methods. It focuses more on how students learn, rather than what they learn. Active learning refers to a wide…
From Faustine Marion Dal Degan
32 plays
"Rethinking Clusters" by Silvia Rita Sedita and Silvia BlasiIn their recent book "Rethinking Clusters - Place-based Value Creation in Sustainability Transitions", Silvia Rita Sedita (Associate Professor of Management at dSEA Unipd) and Silvia Blasi…
From Faustine Marion Dal Degan
33 plays
Amedeo Pugliese, "Covid-19, corporate survival and public policy: The role of accounting information and regulation in the wake of a systemic crisis"The economic crisis triggered by the Covid-19 pandemic prompted governments to issue several relief mechanisms to hold up companies and workers. In this paper, published in the journal of…
From Faustine Marion Dal Degan
18 plays