Search for tag: "stochastic integral"

Ph.D. course "The mathematics of energy markets" - Lecture 4

Brownian motion. Nondifferentiability of paths. The stochastic integral and the Ito isometry.

From  Tiziano Vargiolu 3 plays 0  

Lecture 57: Levy's characterization

Stochastic integral of complex-valued processes. Levy's characterization of a multidimensional Brownian motion.

From  Tiziano Vargiolu 16 plays 0  

Lecture 41: generalized stochastic integral

General definition and properties of stochastic integral.

From  Tiziano Vargiolu 34 plays 0  

Lecture 42: multidimensional Ito processes

Multidimensional stochastic integrals and Ito processes. Quadratic variation and cross variation.

From  Tiziano Vargiolu 24 plays 0  

Lecture 40: local martingales

Definition of local martingale. Construction of the stochastic integral for a process with locally square integrable sample paths.

From  Tiziano Vargiolu 27 plays 0  

Lecture 38: stopped stochastic processes

Stopped stochastic processes. A stopped continuous martingale is a martingale. Properties of stopped stochastic integrals.

From  Tiziano Vargiolu 27 plays 0  

Lecture 34: multidimensional stochastic calculus

Multidimensional stochastic integrals: definition, linearity, mean and covariance matrix, martingale property, cross-variation.

From  Tiziano Vargiolu 26 plays 0  

Lecture 16: the Ito-Doeblin formula

Stochastic integral with respect to an Ito process. The Ito-Doeblin formula. Quadratic variation of an Ito process.

From  Tiziano Vargiolu 35 plays 0  

Lecture 12: examples of stochastic integrals

Stochastic integrals of simple processes. Stochastic integral of Brownian motion.

From  Tiziano Vargiolu 23 plays 0  

Lecture 11: Stochastic integrals and conditioning

The partition property. Covariance and conditional covariance of stochastic integrals.

From  Tiziano Vargiolu 25 plays 0  

Lecture 9: stochastic integral as a stochastic process

The stochastic integral is a continuous martingale.

+2 More
From  Tiziano Vargiolu 31 plays 0  

Lecture 10: stochastic integral for general processes

The space M^2([0,T]). General definition of stochastic integral as a L^2 limit. Quadratic variation of a stochastic integral.

From  Tiziano Vargiolu 29 plays 0