Simulation of Poisson and compound Poisson processes. Simulation of subordinated Brownian motion and non-Gaussian Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes.
Examples: simulation from the multidimensional Gaussian law. Cholesky decomposition, PCA. Examples: generation of the skeleton of the multidimensional Brownian motion and the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck…
Brownian motion. Nondifferentiability of paths. The stochastic integral and the Ito isometry.
* General conditions of weak convergence - Convergence of sums - Multiplicative scheme* Monotonicity along the diagonal of a triangular matrix in the Cholesky decomposition of a positive definite…
1. Cox-Ingersoll-Ross equations with fBm. 2. Equations with unbounded drift. 3. Reflected Ornstein-Uhlenbeck equations.
1. Integration with respect to fBm. 2. Elements of fractional and fractional stochastic calculus. 3. Stochastic differential equations with fBm and smooth coefficients.
The martingale representation theorem in the case of a multidimensional Brownian motion: representation of L^2 martingales and local martingales.
The Girsanov theorem in the multidimensional case. Novikov's condition.
Stochastic integral of complex-valued processes. Levy's characterization of a multidimensional Brownian motion.
A note on the integrability in the Ito-Doeblin formula. The two-dimensional case.
Cross-variation: definition. Cross-variation of independent and correlated Brownian motions.
The Cholesky decomposition
Definitions of multidimensional standard and correlated Brownian motions: correlation matrix.
Levy's characterization of Brownian motion. Drift transformation in the Brownian motion and the Girsanov theorem. The martingale representation theorem. Representation of densities of…
Stochastic integral with respect to an Ito process. The Ito-Doeblin formula. Quadratic variation of an Ito process.
Stochastic integrals of simple processes. Stochastic integral of Brownian motion.