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Proclamazione LT in Matematica - 2020/12/11Zoom Recording ID: 83385833408 UUID: o70ttZAzSKid7y7OqUwVBw== Meeting Time: 2020-12-11T13:50:15Z
From Andrea Simion
9 plays
Kiran Kedlaya , Representations of products of Galois groups, 18 June 2019, INdAM ProgramINdAM Program on Serre Conjectures and the p-adic local Langlands program Kiran Kedlaya - Representations of products of Galois groupsI will first recall the role that representations of…
From Bruno Chiarellotto
71 plays
4.14 Zijian Yao, A crystalline perspective on Ainf-cohomology, 14 June 2019, INdAM ProgramINdAM Program on Serre Conjectures and the p-adic local Langlands program Zijian Yao (Harvard), A crystalline perspective on Ainf-cohomologyAinf-cohomology theory is a cohomology theory constructed…
From Bruno Chiarellotto
229 plays
4.13 Eugen Hellmann, p-adic Hodge theory and deformations of Galois representations (part 5), 14 June 2019, INdAM ProgramINdAM Program on Serre Conjectures and the p-adic local Langlands program Eugen Hellmann (University of Muenster), p-adic Hodge theory and deformations of Galois representations (part 5)In this…
From Bruno Chiarellotto
64 plays
4.11 Daniel Le, The mod p cohomology of Shimura curves at first principal congruence level, 13 June 2019, INdAM ProgramINdAM Program on Serre Conjectures and the p-adic local Langlands program Daniel Le (Toronto),The mod p cohomology of Shimura curves at first principal congruence level It is expected that the mod p…
From Bruno Chiarellotto
62 plays
4.10 Stefano Morra, Patching and the local Langlands correspondence (part 5), 13 June 2019, INdAM ProgramINdAM Program on Serre Conjectures and the p-adic local Langlands program Stefano Morra (Universite Paris 8 LAGA), Patching and the local Langlands correspondence (part 5) June 13th. Aula 1 AD 100,…
From Bruno Chiarellotto
54 plays
4.9 Eugen Hellmann, p-adic Hodge theory and deformations of Galois representations (part 3), 12 June 2019, INdAM ProgramINdAM Program on Serre Conjectures and the p-adic local Langlands program Eugen Hellmann (University of Muenster), p-adic Hodge theory and deformations of Galois representations (part 3)In this…
From Bruno Chiarellotto
76 plays
4.8 Tobias Schmidt, Mod p Hecke algebras and dual equivariant cohomology, 12 June 2019, INdAM ProgramINdAM Program on Serre Conjectures and the p-adic local Langlands program Stefano Morra (Universite Paris 8 LAGA), Mod p Hecke algebras and dual equivariant cohomology Let H be Vignéras pro-p…
From Bruno Chiarellotto
41 plays
4.7 Stefano Morra, Patching and the local Langlands correspondence (part 4), 12 June 2019, INdAM ProgramINdAM Program on Serre Conjectures and the p-adic local Langlands program Stefano Morra (Universite Paris 8 LAGA), Patching and the local Langlands correspondence (part 4) June 12th. Aula 1 AD 100,…
From Bruno Chiarellotto
43 plays
4.6 Laurent Berger, Tensor products and trianguline representations, 11 June 2019, INdAM ProgramINdAM Program on Serre Conjectures and the p-adic local Langlands program Laurent Berger (Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon), Tensor products and trianguline representations Two p-adic Galois…
From Bruno Chiarellotto
44 plays
4.5 Gergely Zabradi , Multivariable (\varphi,\Gamma)-modules, 11 June 2019, INdAM ProgramINdAM Program on Serre Conjectures and the p-adic local Langlands program Gergely Zabradi (Budapest), Multivariable (\varphi,\Gamma)-modulesThe notion of cyclotomic multivariable…
From Bruno Chiarellotto
51 plays
4.4 Fabrizio Andreatta, Katz type p-adic L-functions for primes p non-split in the CM field, 11 June 2019, INdAM ProgramINdAM Program on Serre Conjectures and the p-adic local Langlands program Fabrizio Andreatta (Milano), Katz type p-adic L-functions for primes p non-split in the CM field I will discuss a way to…
From Bruno Chiarellotto
66 plays
4.3 Benjamin Schraen , p-adic automorphic forms (part 1), 10 June 2019, INdAM ProgramINdAM Program on Serre Conjectures and the p-adic local Langlands program Benjamin Schraen (Orsay) - p-adic automorphic forms (part 5) There exist interesting congruences between coefficients…
From Bruno Chiarellotto
78 plays
4.2 Konstantin Ardakov, The first Drinfeld covering and equivariant D-modules on rigid spaces, 10 June 2019, INdAM ProgramINdAM Program on Serre Conjectures and the p-adic local Langlands program Konstantin Ardakov (Oxford), The first Drinfeld covering and equivariant D-modules on rigid spaces Let p be a…
From Bruno Chiarellotto
74 plays
3.16 Benjamin Schraen, p-adic automorphic forms (part 4), 7 June 2019, INdAM ProgramINdAM Program on Serre Conjectures and the p-adic local Langlands program Benjamin Schraen (Orsay) - p-adic automorphic forms (part 4) There exist interesting congruences between coefficients of…
From Bruno Chiarellotto
50 plays
3.15 Vlad Serban , p-adic unlikely intersections and applications, 7 June 2019, INdAM ProgramINdAM Program on Serre Conjectures and the p-adic local Langlands program Vlad Serban (Vienna), p-adic unlikely intersections and applications It was conjectured by Manin and Mumford and established…
From Bruno Chiarellotto
28 plays