04:45duration 4 minutes 45 seconds
7.8 How does the Constitutional Court ensure the…
7.8 How does the Constitutional Court ensure the separation of powers and what are its other prerogatives?
02:41duration 2 minutes 41 seconds
7.7 How does the judicial review work in Italy?
03:12duration 3 minutes 12 seconds
7.3 How are constitutional judges selected in…
7.3 How are constitutional judges selected in Italy?
02:24duration 2 minutes 24 seconds
6.3 How many levels of government does Italy have?
03:11duration 3 minutes 11 seconds
5.8 What is the role of the head of state…
5.8 What is the role of the head of state vis-a-vis the judicial power?
02:34duration 2 minutes 34 seconds
5.6 How is the autonomy of the judiciary…
5.6 How is the autonomy of the judiciary guaranteed in Italy?
01:38duration 1 minute 38 seconds
5.2 How are judges selected in Italy?
05:10duration 5 minutes 10 seconds
4.4 What is the role of the Italian Head of State…
4.4 What is the role of the Italian Head of State in the formation of the new government?
02:43duration 2 minutes 43 seconds
Trailer - Understanding the Italian Legal System:…
Trailer - Understanding the Italian Legal System: Public Law and Public Institutions
04:08duration 4 minutes 8 seconds
2.8 The role of the Head of State
03:45duration 3 minutes 45 seconds
1.7 The origin of the Italian Constitution
02:26duration 2 minutes 26 seconds
1.1 Welcome to the course + course fundamentals
03:02duration 3 minutes 2 seconds
4.7 The government in Italy can adopt legislative…
4.7 The government in Italy can adopt legislative acts: does this threaten the concept of separation of power?
04:12duration 4 minutes 12 seconds
4.2 How is a government formed in Italy?
03:27duration 3 minutes 27 seconds
3.12 What is the relationship between the Italian…
3.12 What is the relationship between the Italian head of state and the parliament?
05:37duration 5 minutes 37 seconds
3.6 How are laws made in Italy?