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7.8 How does the Constitutional Court ensure the separation of powers and what are its other prerogatives?

From  NICOLA BATTISTUTTA 0 plays 0  

7.7 How does the judicial review work in Italy?

From  NICOLA BATTISTUTTA 1 plays 0  

7.3 How are constitutional judges selected in Italy?

From  NICOLA BATTISTUTTA 1 plays 0  

6.3 How many levels of government does Italy have?

From  NICOLA BATTISTUTTA 1 plays 0  

5.8 What is the role of the head of state vis-a-vis the judicial power?

From  NICOLA BATTISTUTTA 1 plays 0  

5.6 How is the autonomy of the judiciary guaranteed in Italy?

From  NICOLA BATTISTUTTA 2 plays 0  

5.2 How are judges selected in Italy?

From  NICOLA BATTISTUTTA 1 plays 0  

4.4 What is the role of the Italian Head of State in the formation of the new government?

From  NICOLA BATTISTUTTA 3 plays 0  

Trailer - Understanding the Italian Legal System: Public Law and Public Institutions

Trailer - Understanding the Italian Legal System:…

+2 More
From  Cecilia Dal Bon 251 plays 0  

2.8 The role of the Head of State

From  NICOLA BATTISTUTTA 2 plays 0  

1.7 The origin of the Italian Constitution

From  NICOLA BATTISTUTTA 5 plays 0  

1.1 Welcome to the course + course fundamentals

From  NICOLA BATTISTUTTA 10 plays 0  

4.7 The government in Italy can adopt legislative acts: does this threaten the concept of separation of power?

From  NICOLA BATTISTUTTA 3 plays 0  

4.2 How is a government formed in Italy?

From  NICOLA BATTISTUTTA 2 plays 0  

3.12 What is the relationship between the Italian head of state and the parliament?

From  NICOLA BATTISTUTTA 2 plays 0  

3.6 How are laws made in Italy?