Search for tag: "seminari"

Radha Ratnaparki

Nell’ambito delle Distinguished Lecturer Series organizzate dal Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’informazione, il vicepresidente per la IT e la wireless convergence all’IBM Research…

From  ufficio dlm 5 plays 0  

Moreno Ambrosin - Secure And Scalable Management of Internet of Things Deployments

Ph.D. seminar In recent years, the advent of Internet of Things (IoT) is populating the world with billions of low cost heterogeneous interconnected devices. IoT devices are quickly penetrating in…

From  Omar Trevisan 8 plays 0  

Jessica Cucco - Comunicazione efficace e didattica in ambito matematico: quale relazione?

Seminario Martedi 21 Marzo 2017 alle ore 14:00 in Aula 1A150, Jessica Cucco terrà un seminario, rivolto a professori, ricercatori e dottorandi del Dipartimento, dal titolo “Comunicazione…

From  Omar Trevisan 41 plays 0  

Barbara Mazzolai: Learning by Nature: How To Build Soft Robots

How does Nature can improve technology? What is the link between living systems and robots? Robots today are expected to operate in a variety of scenarios, being able to cope with uncertain…

From  Omar Trevisan 46 plays 0