School on Serre conjectures and the p-adic Langlands program
School on Serre conjectures and the p-adic Langlands program
INdAM Program on Serre Conjectures and the p-adic local Langlands program
The aim of the school is to explore recent developments in the arithmetic Langlands program, a vast series of conjectures which have had enormous impact in arithmetic algebraic geometry in the past 50 years. Its ultimate goal is to relate solutions of algebraic equations (and related Galois representations) to harmonic analysis and automorphic forms: among its most spectacular materializations is the proof of Fermat's Last Theorem and the Shimura-Taniyama-Weil conjecture (the celebrated statement that all elliptic curves over Q are modular).
This special school aims at giving a thorough overview of the current state of research in this field. We expect to encourage Ph.D students and young researchers to start new projects within the rich frame of the arithmetic Langlands program.
The school will consist in a series of specialized courses at graduate or early postgraduate level. Main target audience will consist of Ph.D students and young researchers. Each topics is expected to be of developed independently, while the overall plan will encompass most of the ideas and tools underlying research in the p-adic local Langlands program: Galois deformation spaces, automorphic forms, modular representation theory, classical Langlands conjectures...
From Bruno Chiarellotto
INdAM Program on Serre Conjectures and the p-adic local Langlands program Kiran Kedlaya - Representations of products of Galois groupsI will first recall the role… -
From Bruno Chiarellotto
INdAM Program on Serre Conjectures and the p-adic local Langlands program Zijian Yao (Harvard), A crystalline perspective on Ainf-cohomologyAinf-cohomology theory is a… -
From Bruno Chiarellotto
INdAM Program on Serre Conjectures and the p-adic local Langlands program Eugen Hellmann (University of Muenster), p-adic Hodge theory and deformations of Galois… -
From Bruno Chiarellotto
INdAM Program on Serre Conjectures and the p-adic local Langlands program Daniel Le (Toronto),The mod p cohomology of Shimura curves at first principal congruence level… -
From Bruno Chiarellotto
INdAM Program on Serre Conjectures and the p-adic local Langlands program Stefano Morra (Universite Paris 8 LAGA), Patching and the local Langlands correspondence (part… -
From Bruno Chiarellotto
INdAM Program on Serre Conjectures and the p-adic local Langlands program Eugen Hellmann (University of Muenster), p-adic Hodge theory and deformations of Galois… -
From Bruno Chiarellotto
INdAM Program on Serre Conjectures and the p-adic local Langlands program Stefano Morra (Universite Paris 8 LAGA), Mod p Hecke algebras and dual equivariant cohomology… -
From Bruno Chiarellotto
INdAM Program on Serre Conjectures and the p-adic local Langlands program Stefano Morra (Universite Paris 8 LAGA), Patching and the local Langlands correspondence (part… -
From Bruno Chiarellotto
INdAM Program on Serre Conjectures and the p-adic local Langlands program Laurent Berger (Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon), Tensor products and trianguline… -
From Bruno Chiarellotto
INdAM Program on Serre Conjectures and the p-adic local Langlands program Gergely Zabradi (Budapest), Multivariable (\varphi,\Gamma)-modulesThe notion of cyclotomic… -
From Bruno Chiarellotto
INdAM Program on Serre Conjectures and the p-adic local Langlands program Fabrizio Andreatta (Milano), Katz type p-adic L-functions for primes p non-split in the CM… -
From Bruno Chiarellotto
INdAM Program on Serre Conjectures and the p-adic local Langlands program Benjamin Schraen (Orsay) - p-adic automorphic forms (part 5) There exist interesting… -
From Bruno Chiarellotto
INdAM Program on Serre Conjectures and the p-adic local Langlands program Konstantin Ardakov (Oxford), The first Drinfeld covering and equivariant D-modules on… -
From Bruno Chiarellotto
INdAM Program on Serre Conjectures and the p-adic local Langlands program Stefano Morra (Universite Paris 8 LAGA), Patching and the local Langlands correspondence (part… -
From Bruno Chiarellotto
INdAM Program on Serre Conjectures and the p-adic local Langlands program Benjamin Schraen (Orsay) - p-adic automorphic forms (part 4) There exist interesting…