Mobility & Humanities - Centre for Advanced Studies

Mobility & Humanities - Centre for Advanced Studies

The Department of Historical and Geographic Sciences and the Ancient World (DiSSGeA) has been selected by ANVUR, the Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of the University and Research Systems, as Department of Excellence for the period 2018-2022.
Combining mobility studies and research in the humanities the project will boost the Department’s activities in the coming years. DiSSGeA aims to become a research hub for the humanistic study of mobility, meaning the movement of people, objects, ideas and texts in space and time.

The project has funded the development of two new research infrastructures: a Centre for Advanced Studies in Mobility and the Humanities (MOHU), and a Digital Laboratory for Mobility Research in the Humanities (MobiLab).

The project also includes a series of initiatives fostering excellence in education: A new curriculum in Mobility Studies within the Historical Sciences Master programme, scholarships and study prizes for students with an outstanding academic record, additional funding for Erasmus+ outgoing mobility, PhD and post-doc research grants supporting research on mobility, and an invitation to world-renowned visiting scholars.

Such initiatives contribute to the training of a new generation of humanists who know how to manage mobility-related topics with a high degree of awareness of their complexities.
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